Licence 2 Langue Arabe et Civilisation Islamique
- Enseignant: Farid Bouderbala
يهدف هذا المقياس إلى تعريف الطالب بأهم المذاهب والفرق الإسلامية من حيث النشأة والمناهج وصولا إلى متلاك القدرة على المحاكمة الصحيحة والرد على المخالف على أساس من الحجة والبرهان
- Enseignant: kheira serir hadj
هو مقرر يفيد الطالب في هذه المرحلة من تقنيات التعبير الكتابي والشفوي ، وينوع لديه القدرات التعبيرية في المحادثة والكتابة التأليفية ليكون فصيح اللسان قادرا على إفهام الأفكار وإقناع الغير بأسلوب عربي فصيح ومشبع بتنوع العبارات والألفاظ في شتى مجالات العلوم التي يدرسها .
- Enseignant: noureddine mohammadi
تحتوي هذه المطبوعة البيداغوجية على محاضرات موسعة تخص مقياس الأثار والفنون الإسلامية ، وهي مقدمة لطلبة السنة الثانية ليسانس شعبة اللغة العربية والحضارة الإسلامية، من أجل إثراء المحاضرات التي تقدم في المدرج خلال السداسي الثالث .
- Enseignant: إسمهان لعريبي
هذا المقياس موجه لطلبة السنة الثانية ليسانس تخصص اللغة والحضارة العربية والذي يتضمن عشرة مواضيع مختلفة تتحدث عن الفكر الإسلامي الحديث والمعاصر .
- Enseignant: noureddine mohammadi
- Enseignant: Naceur Belheziel
- Enseignant: mansouri toufik
- Enseignant: فردوس حناني
- Enseignant: Souad Hadjsaid
- Enseignant: Souad Hadjsaid
- Enseignant: إسمهان لعريبي
- Enseignant: فردوس حناني
محاضرات مقياس الآثار والفنون الإسلامية / السنة الجامعية : 2021-2022
- Enseignant: إسمهان لعريبي
9th lesson
Answer keys Freedom in society
1/how many paragraphs are there in the passage
There are six paragraphs in the reading passage.
2/are these statments true,false or not mentioned
A/ true
B/ nm
D/ nm
3/what or who do the underlined words refer to ?
A/ the crowd can retain : society
B/it : crowd
C/ she : daughter
4 choose the general idea of the text
B/« Emotional value»
5/ expressions closest in meaning to the following
A demands
B rival
C freedom
A absolete.
B destroy
C against
Section two
1punctuation,capitals and apostrophes where necessary.
«How about respecting your parents' advice ? » said Dr.Johnson Moore.
Freedom independence liberty autonomy
Values culture traditions customs
To educate education educational
To criticize criticism critical
To free freedom free
To pr9hibit prohibition prohibited
The young generation is not totally understood nowadays.
Bored / great
Very/ London
Marvellous/ everything
- Enseignant: SOUAD BOUNAB
Licence 2 langue arabe et civilisation islamique
8th lesson
Reported speech
Reported or indirect speech
Direct speech "i love you"
Indirect speech: he said that he loved her
Used reported speech to say what another person said.
I love you. He said that he loved her.
"I can help you" / he said that he could help me.
"i'll phone you"/ he told me that he would phone me.
.that is optional after say and tell.
.pronouns also change in reported speech,for example
I changes to he/ she,etc
I'm coming. She told me that she was coming.
You can use said or told in reported speech but they are used differently.
-you can't use said with an object or pronoun
- you must use told with an object
He told her that he loved her not he told that
- Enseignant: SOUAD BOUNAB
6th lesson
Licence 2langue et civilisation islamique
Capitalisation and punctuation
Good morning
A/ capitalisation:
Here are some common points that might help you use capitalisation.
1- first word in sentences
Ex: My brother is interested in languages.
First word in direct quotations
Ex:"My sistersoeaks English."
First word in the greeting and closing letters
Ex: Dear Yasmine,
2/Proper nouns
Pepole/ initials
Mohamed, J.F.Kennedy
High streets
South Pole/Midwest
Months/ days
June/ Monday
Mehdi Bouabdelli School
The United Nations
Sonatrach Company
World trade center
3/Proper adjectives
Italian/ South African
Books/ story/ poem/ song/play/film....
The Royal Family/Titanic
B/ Punctuations
Here are some common rumes that might help use punctuation
1we use a full stop,a question mark,an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.
We use a comma:
A) to separate words in a series
B) after introductory words or phrases
C/ to set of interrupting words
D) after a dependent clause that begins a sentence
F)to separate numerals or items in a date
After the greeting in a freindly letter
After the closing in all letters
2/ we use quotation marks
A/Enclosd all quoted words within written quotation marks
B/ A full stop,question mark,exclamation mark...of a direct quotation is placed inside the quotation marks
Ex: "Welcom to England,"Betty said.
- Enseignant: SOUAD BOUNAB
- Enseignant: محمد زعراط
- Enseignant: محمد زعراط
- Enseignant: محمد زعراط