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This is part two of vocabulary section about phrasal verbs. The objective is to master the use of some literal and idiomatic expressions in the English language mainly spoken.

initially, Students start reading entries for two phrasal verbs: 'work sth out' and 'work out', 'make sth up' and make up with(sb). They learn the jargon and the proper use and reading of phrasal verbs in dictionaries. 

In the second activity, they have to complete the sentences with the correct form of the above mentionned phrasal verbs in order to check their comprehension. 

In the third activity, students discover other phrasal verbs where they have to form the correct match and replace them with equavalents in the following activity . this is to enhance their knowledge and simplify the use of the target phrasal verbs again.

The last activity was left as a homework for students to complete the sentences using their own words as a free written expression. 

Les abréviations sont une lettre ou groupe de lettres utilisées à l’oral ou à l’écrit, pour représenter un mot ou une expression sous une forme plus courte...

La prise de notes sert à garder une trace écrite d’une intervention orale, d’un cours, ou d’une recherche personnelle. Elle permet de noter,...

Dans la langue française, il existe de nombreuses expressions qui permettent d’illustrer des situations de tous les jours, nous allons citer quelques-unes en expliquant leur signification: