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السنة الجامعية: 2023 2024

السنة الثانية شعبة الدراسات الأدبية

المادة: علم النحو


المقياس  الحداثة في الأدب

المستوى  السنة الثانية 

التخصص دراسات أدبية 

السنة الدراسية 2023-2024 

الأستاذة  شرفاوي نورية 

Class: Second year Licence Students _Literary Studies_

Module: English Language

Tutor: Ms. AYAD

Academic year: 2023/2024

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. We have started our online teaching journey, please be consistent and let's learn together. 

Thank You


The content is intended to help second-year EFL students improve their writing, reading, and even speaking abilities. Most of the lessons focus on grammar. especially sentence structure.

We learned how to use modal verbs to express: obligation, prohibition, advice, and ability; how to use connectors or linking words properly; how to express consequence; paired conjunctions; and compound or complex sentences.



Ms. Yasmine Hacene

الاحياء الشعري