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Over the last few decades, most of the world’s countries have adopted legislation aimed at imposing on employers "The duty to ensure the safety and health of workers in all aspects related to work". Awareness of occupational health and safety issues is growing throughout society. Companies have progressively been forced to consider these issues within their own structures. Therefore, it is imperative that upcoming workers and managers understand these rules, which are crucial to promoting everyone's well-being.

Generally speaking, industrial risk falls into two categories:

  • ·    occupational risks resulting in minor accidents, with a limited number of victims and damage that does not exceed the scope of the workshop or factory; these are accidents at work and, to a certain extent, occupational or work-related illnesses.
  • ·        Major industrial risks in the strict sense of the term, resulting in accidents they are examined below.

This course is therefore a general overview in the field of ‘’hygiene, safety, and environment ‘’, HSE.

which is organised into two chapters:

  • ·      The first chapter is devoted to safety, hygiene, and occupational risks. It deals mainly with the general aspects of health and safety at work and some of the issues covered by the occupational health plan.
  • ·        Recognition of the complexity of environmental phenomena and their links with human activities is the subject of the second chapter. It also introduces the concept of sustainable development, which is now being used to improve living conditions for all of the world’s citizens.
Auto-inscription (Etudiants)
Auto-inscription (Etudiants)