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The courses are delivered using english language on Biotechnology field. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has been chosen as an approach where students learn content and second/foreign language simultaneously. Being content focused; these CLIL courses give an extra dimension to the lessons proposed to engage students. By doing so, they will acquire a certain linguistic competency which promotes, later on, bilingualism or even plurilingualism. This fusion of both content and language serves in the preparation for both studies and working life.

The CLIL classes’ objectives which have to be achieved should combine the following parameters:

1. Content will guarantee a progression in knowledge acquisition to develop learners’ skills and enhance their understanding as related to specific elements of a Biotechnology (definitions, types and applications of biotechnologies).

2. Communication which embodies the learning of the language whilst disclosing the content.

3. Cognition which develops thinking skills by linking concept formation and content.

4. Culture by exposing learners to alternative perspectives and shared understanding to deepen their cognitive awareness of the self and the other.

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