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The Holy Quran is the speech of Allah,which He revealed to our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him,therefore, we have to venereate it, read it, ponder its verses.

The Holy Quran has numerous unique features which distinguish it from the other revealed books.These include the following:

1.The Glorious Quran provides a summary of divine rulings.It also came to support and confirm the command to worship Allah alone contained in the previous divine books. Allah said" And we have revealed to you the book with the truth, confirming the books before it and with final authority over them". ( Surat Al Maa'ida 5:48). This verse makes clear that The Quran agrees with and confirms the truth, statements and beliefs, amongst other things, contained in the previous books

2. All poeple, regardless of their language or race,must adhere to the Quran and act according to its dictates,as opposed the previous scriptures which were revealed for particular poeples at specific times. The Quran says," This Quran has been revealed to me so that I may warn you bt it , and anyone else it reaches." ( Surat Al-Anaam, 6: 19)

3. While many additions and deletions have crept into the other divine books, the Quran has remained intact because Allah the Almighty has taken it upon Himself to protect it, as the Quran says ," We have sent down the Reminder, and We will surely guard it ( from corruption)," ( Surat Al Hijr, 15:19).

Words translation: venerate :تعظيم.ponder its versés:التامل في اياته . command: الامر.statement: كلام . Regardless of their language : بغض النظر عن لغتهم adhère to : اعتصام ب . Addition :زيادة. deletions:الحذف. Intact :كامل وتام.

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