المشاركات المكتوبة بواسطة Amina CHENTOUF

بواسطة الجمعة، 27 نوفمبر 2020، 8:21 PM - Amina CHENTOUF
أي شخص بالعالم


Eating epilepsy is one of the rare forms of reflex epilepsy with less than a hundred cases reported worldwide. The exact pathogenesis still remains unknown and most cases reported in literature are drug resistant. We report the first Algerian case of eating epilepsy presenting with partial complex seizures. Clinical examination was normal. Interictal EEG recording showed asymmetric background activity of lower amplitude and isolated epileptiform activity over the right frontotemporal region. Cerebral MRI revealed right opercular atrophy and treatment with Carbamazepine was successful. Eating epilepsy is often an under-recognized entity whereas its diagnosis is relatively easy. The prognosis varies from one individual to another, but early treatment can improve the Quality of Life of thèse patients.


Reflex epilepsy, eating epilepsy, Algeria

Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery 2017. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.19104/jnn.2017.35