Rechercher des Cours par mots clés

Rechercher des cours par Filière :

Objectifs du module :

  • Comprendre le fonctionnement interne des systèmes d’exploitation.
  • Être capable de programmer et de manipuler des processus, des threads et la mémoire.
  • Apprendre à optimiser et gérer les ressources du système.
  • Développer des compétences en gestion de la sécurité des systèmes.

Data analysis is the systematic examination, purification, conversion, and modelling of data in order to uncover valuable insights, draw informed conclusions, and facilitate decision-making. At the end of this course, you will be able to :

  • Understand the importance of improving DATA-informed decision-making.
  • Understand the importance of data analysis and interpretation.


Nouvelles diverses et annThis course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the intellectual foundations of accounting theory. This is done in light of the developments and developments witnessed by the profession and accounting research, and the shift from searching for accounting principles to searching for accounting standards. In addition to enabling the student to know the most important rules related to financial accounting, in addition to enabling the student to know the types of accountingonces.

Ce module s'adresse aux étudiants de première année licence professionnelle Développement des applications mobiles et E-management. Il s'agit d'une insertion professionnelle des étudiants dans un monde francophone. 

La conception des cours répond aux besoins communicatifs, langagiers et culturels des apprenants. 

Microeconomics: It is concerned with the individual behavior of an establishment in determining the volume of production that maximizes profits for an establishment. It is also concerned with consumer behavior in knowing how to distribute his spending among different goods so that he achieves the maximum possible satisfaction within the limits of his income (i.e. how to distribute income between consumption and saving).


This course is intended for 1st-year double-degree DAM and E-management students.  This course aims to analyze and understand how technological change impacts firms, markets, supply chains, and regulatory/policy structures. It aims to explain what digital transformation is and what it means for companies. This digital transformation plays multiple roles within businesses, organizations, industries and societies. At the end of this course, students should:

·         To be able to be at the forefront of digital innovation in business and management

·         Be adept at managing the deployment of digital innovation and social media.

·         To be able to apply these skills in a wide range of professions and industries.



This course is intended for 1st-year double-degree DAM and E-management students. This course aims to analyze and understand the main markets for e-businesses and the different types of e-business models that could be developed to take advantage of the opportunities that Internet trading could provide for achieving competitive advantage and profitability.   At the end of this course, students should:

·         To understand the importance and meaning of E-businesses as a new field and its environment.

·         To understand the importance of E-Marketplaces and its component

·         To master the different models and types of E-businesses

·         To learn to analyse the framework of e-business models