Enrolment options


How are you 

Today's lesson is about ed'" adjectives and ing adjectives 

We use adjectives ending in "ing" to describe things ,people,or other subjects. 


The lecture was very interesting. I learned a lot  

I am describing the lecture .So ,I use the adjective ending in "ing"

My friend saw the ocean for the first time in his life. He told me that he loved the amazing view .


تعني مدهش وهي صفة

This movie is so boring 

I use the adjective boring to describe the noun 

Movie is the noun

We use adjectives ending  "in ","ed" when we went to describe our feelings about things, people, or other subjects. 


I went to a lecture last week about the history of irak. Now I am interested in learning  more about that subject

Here I am not describing the lecture .instead, i am describing my feelings. So I use the adjective ending in  "ed"


I don't want to watch this film .I am  so bored 

I am using the adjective ending in "ed"to describe my feelings 


              Thinks so much !

       Have a great  day 

Self enrolment (Etudiants)
Self enrolment (Etudiants)