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Licence2 langue et civilisation islamique

Hello , today is your first lesson in this year

Reading comprehension:

The test includes 33 reading sections :

Each section consists of 2 types of questions:

Sentence completions and reading comprehension. 

They're designed to test your ability to reason using 

Written word .the sentence completion questions are listed in ascending 

Order of difficulty, but the reading comprehension questions are not.

Attempt the reading comprehension only after you have completed the sentence completions. As mentioned before,each question is worth the same number of points, whether it is long and hard or short and easy. 

The critical reading sections are designed to test your  ability to read and understand  written English of the level you need to make the most of a university course. There are 2 types of questions:

*sentence completion    أسئلة إكمال الجمل

*reading comprehension  أسئلة اللهم 

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Auto-inscription (Etudiants)