Options d’inscription

This course is intended for master's degree students in organizational management and human resources; it is provided in the 2nd semester, and it aims at the following objectives:

  • Become familiar with a conceptual framework of strategic management and understand the respective contributions and limits of the different strategic control systems
  • To help students become familiar with the basic concepts of strategic management and to become aware of the fundamental theoretical principles in the field of strategy.
  • Understand and analyze the functioning of the organization through the use of traditional tools relating to strategic models but also using new managerial concepts intended to familiarize the student with the challenges of the current context of the business world.

Targeted skills:

  • Understand, analyze and evaluate the strategic decisions of companies and be able to carry out a strategic diagnosis and propose recommendations on strategic choices
  • The ability to speak following communication in front of an audience with participation in debates allows the student to think about elements of answers and to argue their remarks.




M112 : The company and its organization  (licence G.E.A). Par Mme DIF Aicha


M121 : Mangement : les concepts  (licence G.E.A). Par Mme MAHIDA Hanane 


M324 : Stratégie des Organisations (licence G.E.A).  Par Mme MAHIDA Hanane 


Auto-inscription (Etudiants)
Auto-inscription (Etudiants)