A. Dahane, Phd, is affiliated with the research laboratory in industrial computing and networks RIIR, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella, Oran, 31000, Algeria. His main research interests include wireless sensor networks, their security, routing and management, intrusion detection, and MAC protocols design issues. He participates regularly at professional conferences. He received his master’s degree in Computer Systems and Network from the university of tahri Mohammed, Algeria in 2011 and his Phd degree in Electronics from the university of sciences and technologies of Oran. He is currently a lecturer and researcher at the institute of sciences and applied techniques of the university of Oran 1, where he teaches informatics, networking, instrumentation, programming languages.

الملف الشخصي للمستخدم

تفاصيل المستخدم

  • عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
  • Faculté ou Institut
    Institut des Sciences et Techniques Appliquées
  • Filières
    ISTA (Licence) / Licence 3 Mesures physique et instrumentation scientifique
  • Domaine de Recherche

    wireless sensor networks, their security,

    routing and management,

    intrusion detection,

    and MAC protocols design issues.

  • Laboratoire
    Research Laboratory in Industrial Computing and Networks (RIIR)University of Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella
  • Curriculum Vitae