مدونة المستخدم: djamila-djahida batouche

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La Journée Mondiale de la Sécurité et de la Santé au Travail a  lieu le 28 avril 2021 sous forme de journée 100% digitale, du fait de l’évolution de la pandémie COVID-19. Organisée sous l’égide de l’Association Santé au Travail, Sécurité, Hygiène et Environnement Ain-Témouchent, le slogan de cette année : « Anticiper, se préparer et répondre aux crises : Investir maintenant dans des systèmes de Sécurité et de Santé au Travail résilients ». Ceci permettra d’intensifier les échanges entre tous les acteurs activant dans le domaine de santé, de la prévention des risques professionnels et d'agir pour la sécurité, la santé du corps médical ou des travailleurs dans leurs entreprises. Chaque intervenant a apporté  de nouvelles technologies dans son domaine, avec de bonnes pratiques de la prévention des risques professionnels, et la sécurité du personnel de santé, sous formes des e posters

ci-joint le programme scientifique

أي شخص على هذا الموقع

As a result of the theoretical risk of an excessive increase in intraperitoneal pressure (IPP) in association with peritoneal dialysis, reduction of instilled intraperitoneal dialysate volume (IPV) is often proposed in infants compared to adults; a further reduction is often noted in neonates compared to children. To better evaluate the significance of this risk, we have tested the relationship between the IPP (cm of water) and the IPV (mL/m2) in our population of children on peritoneal dialysis (n = 17) during the last three years. IPP was measured after a nocturnal dialysis session, during a morning study day, after sequential exchanges of ten minutes' dwell time each, with progressively increased instilled dialysate volumes from 600 to 1400 mL/m2. Mean IPP values were 8.2 +/- 3.8 cm for a mean IPV of 990 +/- 160 mL/m2 body surface area. These values are lower than the IPP values established for adults (13.4 +/- 3.1 cm), which were given for higher IPV values of 1585 +/- 235 mL/m2. The relationship between IPP and IPV was age-dependent. In neonates, stable IPP values (3.5 +/- 1.6 cm) were noted for IPV from 600 to 800 mL/m2; thereafter, increasing IPV led to an increase in IPP. In the range of 600 to 1200 mL/m2 IPV, no significant increment of mean IPP was noted in infants (4.8 +/- 2.6 cm) and in children (9.6 +/- 2.1 cm). However, increasing the dialysate volume over 1000 mL/m2 induced an overincrement of the individual IPP value in most cases, and the rise of IPP was substantial when IPV rose from 1200 to 1400 mL/m2.

بواسطة السبت، 19 ديسمبر 2020، 5:26 PM - djamila-djahida batouche
أي شخص بالعالم

L'hypertension artérielle en milieu de réanimation chez l'enfant est une situation peu rencontrée mais sa morbi-mortalité reste non négligeable. Une élévation de la TA dans l'enfance ne doit jamais être négligée. Sa prise en charge est adaptée après la vérification des chiffres chez les enfants, leur suivi, et l'analyse de chaque cas individuel. Peu de livres ont été consacrés à la crise ai gue hypertensive chez l'enfant. Ce petit livret a pour objectif de faire le point sur les formes cliniques de la crise ai gue hypertensive nécessitant une prise en charge en réanimation.IL comportera successivement - un aperçu épidémiologique court et précise les normes de la pression artérielle chez l'enfant. -les principaux mécanismes physiopathologiques de l'hypertension artérielle maligne et son implication clinique . -Les principaux examens complémentaires à demander devant une crise aiguë hypertensive -02 formes cliniques de la crise aiguë hypertensive à savoir le syndrome d'encéphalopathie postérieure réversible et l'hypertension artérielle maligne chez l'enfant ont été rapportées selon l'expérience Algérienne avec les armes thérapeutiques en fin de chapitre.

[ تم التعديل: الجمعة، 3 ديسمبر 2021، 6:55 PM ]
أي شخص بالعالم

L'insuffisance rénale aiguë (IRA) est une pathologie peu fréquente en réanimation pédiatrique par rapport à l'adulte. Elle constitue un événement grave du fait que la mortalité qui lui est associée reste élevée et constante malgré les progrès réalisés. Peu de livres ont abordé l'insuffisance rénale aigue en milieu de réanimation chez l'enfant. Nous nous sommes intéressés à mettre le point sur les différents aspects de l'insuffisance rénale aigue chez l'enfant, tant sur le plan étiologique, que pronostic auxquels le réanimateur ou l 'urgentiste peuvent être confrontés. Ce manuscrit est destiné aux étudiants, aux jeunes médecins, aux résidents réanimateurs, aux internes des services d'urgences qui sont régulièrement confrontés à des situations d'IRA chez l'enfant, et s'est axé beaucoup plus sur le pronostic, les facteurs de risque de l'IRA chez l'enfant et sur la stratégie préventive selon nos pratiques et les nouvelles mises à jour dans la discipline qui nous espérons répondre à votre attente.

أي شخص بالعالم

Introduction: Source of discomfort and dissatisfaction, the rules of pre-operative fasting have evolved a lot in recent years. Objective: To evaluate the duration of preoperative fasting in children and the degree of parental support for this strategy. Materials and Methods: Prospective mono-centric study on the implementation of a preoperative fasting strategy in children. Pediatric surgery department of the Teaching University Hospital (TUH) of Sidi-Bel-Abbès over a period of three years from July 2015 to June 2018. Included were all children from 6 months-15 years, who are asked the indication of anesthesia for minor surgery. We gathered the respect and understanding of the parents of preoperative fasting. Results: One thousand three children were included in the study, the mean age was: 62.01 ± 44.14 months, the sex ratio was 3.6/1 with male predominance. The majority of children were under six years old. The socio-cultural level of parents was medium to high in 88.4% of cases. The mean duration of preoperative fasting was 6.9 ± 4.16 hours and ranged from 2 hours to more than 11 hours. Almost 70% of children had a six-hour fast during the second year. Discussion: In our work, the vast majority of parents respected the pre-op fasting of their children. The improvement in the duration of preoperative fasting was done through a follow-up protocol by the entire pediatric surgery team. The application of the rules of fasting by parents must be strict and simple.

أي شخص بالعالم

Background: Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a marker of oxidative stress (OS) and one of the major alternative complement pathway (ACP) activators associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) activity. ACP is the principal mediator of SLE inflammation and progression. Aim of the work: To investigate the association between the ACP functional activity and plasma MDA in SLE patients. Patients and methods: Sixteen consecutive SLE patients were analyzed for their complement profile and oxidative stress measurement. 60 healthy subjects were included as a control group. The Complement components C3, C4 and properdin-factor B (PfB) were assessed, ACP activity was assayed according to alternative hemolytic 50 (AH50). Plasma total lipid peroxide quantification was performed by assessing the plasma MDA. Total antioxidant capacity was measured with oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). OS ratio was calculated by dividing the total antioxidant capacity by MDA. Results: Sixteen patients (13 females and 3 males) with a mean age of 27.86 ± 6.26 years and a disease duration 69.65 ± 54.65 months were included. There was a significant increase of MDA in the patients (MFI = 613 ± 56.21) compared to the control (MFI = 460 ± 37.85) (p = 0.003). C3 was significantly consumed and MDA increased in the low AH50 compared to the normal AH50 patients (p = 0.02 and p = 0.01 respectively). AH50 significantly negatively correlated with the C3 (p = 0.02) and MDA (p = 0.048). There was lack of any association between ORAC and ACP. Properdin factor B significantly negatively correlated with C3 (p = 0.007). Conclusions: These initial results encourage future in-depth studies on the association of OS–ACP in SLE pathogenesis.

أي شخص بالعالم

Treatment of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) by the complement C5 inhibitor eculizumab (Soliris®) is highly effective but unfortunately, associated with an economic pressure on the health care systems even in high incomes countries. Despite spacing infusions having been proposed as the unique solution to minimize this economic impact, no reliable laboratory assays are available to tailor such therapy optimization. We aimed to propose and evaluate a complement composite marker for eculizumab efficacy monitoring in aHUS. We have retrospectively analyzed complement profiles data of eight aHUS patients under eculizumab from the International Registry of HUS/Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura, and calculated a novel marker “C3:CH50 ratio” by dividing C3 value by CH50 one for each sample during induction and maintenance periods. The results significance was compared to the currently used biomarkers for eculizumab tailoring. In contrast to the current biomarkers used for eculizumab efficacy monitoring like CH50 and soluble or deposit membrane attack complexes, “C3:CH50 ratio” seems to be the most interesting one since its value at pre-eculizumab dosage equaled 0.92 ± 0.2 while the post-eculizumab one increased significantly to reach 24.54 ± 10.7; P < 0.001. Furthermore, this ratio correlated negatively with platelets count (r = −0.722, P = 0.018) while no correlation was found within the thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) biomarkers and complement blockade for the other parameters that change in pre and post-eculizumab therapy. As far as we know, this is the first study that suggests a post-eculizumab parameter correlating simultaneously with drug’s activity (complement inhibition) and disease activity (platelets counts). Nonetheless, the limited number of patients enrolled in this study should be considered in larger studies to guide eculizumab optimization by indicating the time when subsequent withdrawal or infusion spacing is allowed or recommended.

أي شخص بالعالم

Background and Objectives: The cancellation of elective surgery in children leads to costly waste for the institution and causes emotional stress for the child and his family. The objective of this work is to analyze the evolution of the last-minute cancellation rate of outpatient surgery in children, as an indicator of quality, its causes and to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvement program cancellations. Materials and methods: A prospective, mono-centric descriptive study that took place in the pediatric surgery department of the University Hospital Center (UHC) Abdelkader Hassani of Sidi-Bel-Abbès. The study spanned a period of 2 years (2013-2015) to identify cancellations in pediatric outpatient surgery. We recorded all admissions to the operating room, and cancellations. Reasons for cancellation were categorized into two broad categories: patient-related and facility-related cancellations. Results: Over a two-year period, 2487 patients were scheduled for elective surgery at the Pediatric Surgery Department of Sidi-Bel-Abbès University Hospital, of which 1162 children were eligible for outpatient surgery 46.7%, 159 interventions were canceled (13.7%). The average age of patients who have been canceled is 5 years. Patient reasons, administrative reasons accounted for respectively 58.5%, 41.5% on all cancellations. The cancellation concerned more than 61.8% urogenital surgery, 22.5% orthopedic surgery. Conclusion: Through the quality improvement program, significant reductions have been reported, the cancellation rate has dropped from 20.4% to 3.5%. If the rate has become lower compared to other rate in the world, the impact can be significant by improving institutional resources and waiting lists.

أي شخص بالعالم

Ce troisième millénaire a vu la naissance d’un nouvel ordre mondial appelé la mondialisation ou la globalisation, qui se marque par l'émergence de nouvelles idées et concepts dominés par le libéralisme économique ,l'ouverture du marché et le développement technologique mondiale qui a eu la plus grande influence dans le domaine de la communication et de l'information comme la télévision de diffusion par satellite ,l'Internet et les téléphones intelligents ; ce qui rend le monde un petit village ouvert sur toutes les populations de diverses cultures , c’est la raison pour laquelle s'est effondré un grand nombre de normes et de valeurs. Par conséquence la famille et l'école sont les plus importantes institutions de la socialisation des individus affectés par la mondialisation qui a imposé des nouvelles circonstances économiques et sociales , et , la famille algérienne est devenue de plus en plus consommatrice , hommes et femmes de niveau socio-intellectuel différents procurent leurs éducation et la socialisation de leur enfant à l’école, qui celle-ci est affectée à son tour par des contraintes organisationnelles, pédagogiques, managériales et humaines. Pour ces raisons l’élève est devenue la victime des accusations mutuelles entre la famille et l'école et aucun ne veut assumer ces responsabilités.

أي شخص بالعالم

Since December 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsible for the COVID-19 disease, has been recognized as a causative agent of severe pneumonia in the adult population mainly. At this point, there is very little pediatric data available. Children are clearly under-represented in terms of frequency, with patients<20 years of age accounting for only 1 to 2% of documented cases in Italy and China . At the end of April 2020, in Europe (United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Italy and Spain) but also in the United States and Australia, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, resuscitation services reported a significant increase in the number (however little high) of “pediatric cases of myocarditis with circulatory failure and an upsurge in atypical Kawasaki disease without heart failure” .We report an observation of a child admitted to pediatric intensive care unit at EHU Oran for consciousness disorders after a covid 19 infection producing a pseudokawasaki form.