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A/ a syllable is a unit of pronunciation forming a word or part of a word and containing one vowel sound and often consonant preceding or following this (oxford dictionary).

B\ a syllable is a minimum rhythmic unit of spoken language, cinsisting of a vowel or sustained consonant, often preceded or followed by unsustained consonant.

To find the number of syllables in a word, use the following steps:

1. Count the vowels in the word

2.subtract any silent vowels ,(like the silent e at the end of a word,or the second vowel when two vowels are together in a syllable).

3. Subtract one vowel from every diphthong(diphthogs only count as one vowel sound)

4.the number of vowels sounds left is the same as the number of syllbles.

The number of syllables that you hear when you pronounce a word is the same as the number of vowels sounds heard. For example:

The word came has 2vowels,but the "e" is silent.

The word outside has 4vowels, but the "e"is silent and the "ou" is a diphthong which counts as only one sound, so this word has only two vowel sounds and therefore,two syllables.


4th lesson

How to ask a question

Wh question:

Wh+auxiliary+subject+ verb ?  

If the auxiliary exist qe don't change  the tense of  the  verb. 

If the auxiliary  doesn't exist qe use thé infinitive of the verb. 


The lion eats the meats ? (subject) (we replace the subject by "WH")

_what does the lion do ?  (verb)

_what does the lion eat ?  (Object)

Wh question words:

Who : subject person 

Who prepares the lunch ?  

His mother prepares lunch

What: sub (things\animal)



Whom:object person

When: time(last,next,yesterday,tomorrow).

Where: place

Why: cause(reason)

Whose: possession

Whose+noun+aux+sub+verb ? 

Ex : whose pen is it \the pen is mine

Which: choice

Which+noun+aux+subject+verb ? 

Ex: which jacket did they take ?  they  took the blue jacket

How: manner

How often (always,usually,often,sometimes,never)

How long: period of time (duration)

How many:countable nouns (numbers) 

Ex three students got a good mark

How many students got a good mark ? 

How much: uncountable nouns( quantity)

Ex: how much sugar did he put in the cup ? 

He put some sugar in the cup.

Licence 2 langues et civilisation islamique 3rd lesson: Phonetics: Final /s/ The final /s/ is pronounced in different ways, according the sound before: _"s "is pronounced "s" after : p;t;k;f;th;ph _"s"is pronounced "iz" after :s;z;c;x;ss;sh;ge -"s" is pronounced "z" after : *Vowels: goes *Nasals sounds: cleans *Voiced sounds drives Ex : economics ,benefits /s/ Goods, individuals/z/ Advantages, taxes /iz/ The final /ed/ The final *ed* is pronounced in different ways,according the sound before: /D/ is pronounced/t/ after p; k ;sh;ch;s;x /d/ is pronounced /id/after t; d /D/is pronounced/d/ after: *Vowels:prayed *Nasals sounds: cleaned *Voice sounds: traveled Ex: Switched,developed /t/ Happened,supposed /d/ Responded, implanted /id/


Licence 2 langue et civilisation islamique 

Second lesson 

Essay writing:

How to write a paragraph?

You have no Choice of have to write on the prompt given in 

Underneath the prompt is assignment  / a statement that clarifies  what you are supposed to do ?

I suggest that you write a few practice essays in witch you use one of the two formats given below. Find which one suits your style best and, as far

As possible, stick to it.

Format 1:the one example essay

Select one suitable  illustrative example  from your personal  experience, or your reading, or knowledge of current affairs, history, science, etc...

And use this as the basis for discussion of the topic. 

Format 2:introduction 

try to create interest in the topic.the introduction can be general but must include a thesis statement to point  the reader in the right direction.

Write the main body:

Organized into paragraphs 

Describe the situation and cover about half the example here. 

Finish the example 

Explain what your example shows 


Show how the example leads to more general conclusion about the topic.


Licence2 langue et civilisation islamique

Hello , today is your first lesson in this year

Reading comprehension:

The test includes 33 reading sections :

Each section consists of 2 types of questions:

Sentence completions and reading comprehension. 

They're designed to test your ability to reason using 

Written word .the sentence completion questions are listed in ascending 

Order of difficulty, but the reading comprehension questions are not.

Attempt the reading comprehension only after you have completed the sentence completions. As mentioned before,each question is worth the same number of points, whether it is long and hard or short and easy. 

The critical reading sections are designed to test your  ability to read and understand  written English of the level you need to make the most of a university course. There are 2 types of questions:

*sentence completion    أسئلة إكمال الجمل

*reading comprehension  أسئلة اللهم 

                                      💞Reported Speech 💞

Reported Speech  is when we tell someone  what another  person said.To do this ,we can use direct speech or indirect speech  .

Direct speech:'I work in bank, ' said Daniel.

Indirect speech:'Daniel said that he worked in a bank.

In indirect speech, we often use a tense witch is 'further back'

In the past ex:worked than the tense originally used work. This is called backshift. We also my need to change other words that were used,for example pronouns. 

Present simple, present continueous and present perfect

When we backshift, present simple changes to past simple 

Present continuios changes to past continuous  and present perfect changes to past perfect

Ex:I travel a lot in my job

Jamila said that she traveld a lot in her job

Past simple and past continuous

When we backshift,past simple usually changes to past perfect simple a d past continuous usually changes to past perfect continuous 

Ex: we lived in China for 5 years 

She told me they 'd lived in China for 5 years.

It was raining all day

He told me it had been raining all day

Past perfect :

The past perfect doesn't change 

Ex:I'd tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great 

He say he 'd tried everything without  succces, but the new medicine was great  


How are you 

Today's lesson is about ed'" adjectives and ing adjectives 

We use adjectives ending in "ing" to describe things ,people,or other subjects. 


The lecture was very interesting. I learned a lot  

I am describing the lecture .So ,I use the adjective ending in "ing"

My friend saw the ocean for the first time in his life. He told me that he loved the amazing view .


تعني مدهش وهي صفة

This movie is so boring 

I use the adjective boring to describe the noun 

Movie is the noun

We use adjectives ending  "in ","ed" when we went to describe our feelings about things, people, or other subjects. 


I went to a lecture last week about the history of irak. Now I am interested in learning  more about that subject

Here I am not describing the lecture .instead, i am describing my feelings. So I use the adjective ending in  "ed"


I don't want to watch this film .I am  so bored 

I am using the adjective ending in "ed"to describe my feelings 


              Thinks so much !

       Have a great  day 

تتحدث هذه المحاضرة عن الكناية فتعرفها لغة واصطلاحا ، ثم تبين أقسامه وأنواعا 

تقدم هذه المحاضرة تعريفا للاستعارة ، وتقسيماتها المختلفة بالشرح والتحليل

لا يمكننا الحديث عن للفكر السلامي دونما الاشارة الى الارهاصات التاريخية التي مهدت لنشاته و تطوره و دلك بالعودة الى مالمراكز العلمية التي اسهمت في تكوينه فقد اختلف رجال الفكر و الدين الى فعهد قريب حول مصداقية حقيقة و جود فكر اسلامي فالثقافة الاسلامية بالمفهوم التاريخي كانت ماسكة منظومة العلوم العقلية و النقلية فقد انتهت الريدة عند القدماء بظهور المتكلمين حيث سوف يتاسس فكر جديد عماده القل و المنطق   

اللف والنشر ، فن من الفنون البديعية لإي علم البيان ، ، اه تعريفه وأقسامه وأضربه

يقدم الموضوع دراسة تطبيقية حول الطباق والمقابلة ، فيعرفهما ، وبين أنواعهما وأقسامهما ، ضارب الأمثلة من القرآن الكريم ومن الحديث النبوي الشريف ومن كلام العرب