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Les crises d’épilepsie sont des manifestations cliniques transitoires (motrices, sensitives, sensorielles ou psychiques) avec ou sans altération de l’état de conscience. Elles sont liées à l’activation hypersynchrone d’un groupe de neurones cérébraux. 

Une crise épileptique peut être occasionnelle et ne constitue pas en soi une maladie épileptique et ne justifie donc pas d’un traitement antiépileptique. 

L’épilepsie est définie comme un trouble cérébral caractérisé par une prédisposition durable à générer des crises épileptiques et par les conséquences neurobiologiques, cognitives, psychologiques et sociales de cette affection. La définition de l’épilepsie requiert la survenue d’au moins une crise épileptique

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Le cervelet joue un rôle important dans la régulation et le contrôle des fonctions motrices (mouvement, posture et équilibre) ainsi que dans l’apprentissage. De ce fait, toute lésion affectant le cervelet lui-même ou interrompant les voies cérébelleuses se manifestera par une perturbation de ces fonctions, définissant ainsi un syndrome cérébelleux. 

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La grossesse est envisageable chez la plupart des femmes épileptiques mais nécessite une surveillance particulière et une prise en charge multidisciplinaire impliquant le neurologue, l’obstétricien, l’anesthésiste et le pédiatre. La question de la grossesse devrait être abordée de façon systématique avec toute patiente épileptique en âge de procréer. Le projet de grossesse devrait être planifié et programmé afin d’adapter le traitement avant la conception ; le but ultime étant de réduire le risque de complications fœto-maternelles. A travers cet article, nous rapportons les données les plus récentes émanant des trois principaux registres de grossesse chez la femme épileptique : le registre européen (EURAP : The European Register of Antiepileptic Drugs ans Pregnancy), le registre nord-américain (North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry : NAAPR), et le registre anglo-saxon (UK and Ireland Register). En nous appuyant sur ces données, nous proposons des recommandations pour une prise en charge optimale de la femme épileptique durant la grossesse.

Mots clés:

Epilepsie, Grossesse, Médicaments Antiépileptiques, Complications Fœto-Maternelles, Tératogénicité.

Mohamed GHERMI
by Mohamed GHERMI - Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 11:16 AM
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Interferon-γ (+874 T/A) and interleukin-10 (−1082 G/A) genes polymorphisms are associated with active tuberculosis in the Algerian population of Oran's city.


[ Modified: Thursday, 19 November 2020, 7:35 PM ]
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The standard genetic code multiplet structure as well as the correct degeneracies, class by class, are all extracted from the (unique) number 23!, the order of the permutation group of 23 objects.

Journal Reference: Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 18, 2-3, 149-160, 2007.  

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This work aims at showing the relevance and the applications possibilities of the Fibonacci sequence, and also its q-deformed or "quantum" extension, in the study of the genetic code(s). First, after the presentation of a new formula, an indexed double Fibonacci sequence, comprising the first six Fibonacci numbers, is shown to describe the 20 amino acids multilets and their degeneracy as well as well as a characteristic pattern for the 61 meaningful codons. Next, the twenty amino acids, classified according to their increasing atom-number (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur), exhibit several Fibonacci sequence patterns. Several mathematical relations are given, describing several atom-number patterns. Finally, a q-Fibonacci simple phenomenological model, with q a real deformation parameter, is used to describe, in a unified way, not only the standard genetic code, when q=1, but also all slight variations of the latter when q is near 1, as well as the case of the 21st amino acid (selenocysteine) and the 22nd one (pyrrolysine), also when q is near 1. As a by-product of this elementary model, we also show that, in the limit q=0, the number of amino acids reaches the value 6, in good agreement with old and still persistent claims that life, in its early development, could have used only a small number of amino acis. 

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This is the presentation for "Symmetry Festival 2013", Delft, the Netherlands 2-7 Aug. 2013. Completing the corresponding publication.

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The number of atoms in the four ribonucleotides uridine monophosphate (UMP), cytidine monophosphate (CMP), adenine monophosphate (AMP) and guanine monophosphate (GMP) is taken as a key parameter. A mathematical relation describing the condensation of the three basic sub-units a nucleobase, a ribose and a phosphate group, to form a ribonucleotide, is first obtained from this parameter. Next, the use of the latter and Euler's totient function is shown to lead to the atom number content of the 64 codons and also to Rakocevic's pattern "2x3456". Finally, selected sums of Fibonacci numbers are shown to lead to the nucleon number content of the amino acids in various degeneracy patterns , and also to the multiplet structure of the 20 amino acids as well as to the degeneracy.

[ Modified: Friday, 13 November 2020, 9:36 PM ]
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Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for cardiovascular complications. The present study was designed to investigate the possible hypoglycaemic, hypolipidaemic and antioxidant effects of a lyophilised methanolic extract of Globularia alypum L. (Ga). Twenty rats with diabetes were divided into two groups that were fed a casein diet either with or without a Ga supplement for 28 d. Diabetes was induced in the rats by administration of a single dose of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg; intraperitoneally). Plasma total cholesterol (TC), TAG, VLDL-LDL-TC and HDL-TC and the content of final lipid peroxidation products reacting with thiobarbituric acid (TBARS) in several tissues, as well as the concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH) and antioxidant enzyme activities were evaluated. A significant reduction in plasma glucose was observed in rats treated with Ga (5.21 (SE 0.83) mmol/l) compared with untreated rats (27.4 (SE 0.21) mmol/l). TC, VLDL-LDL-TC and TAG were respectively 1.3-, 1.8- and 1.6-fold higher for Ga-treated rats than for untreated rats, whereas there was no significant difference in HDL-TC. Compared with the untreated group TBARS were diminished by 43, 51, 42 and 23% in liver, heart, brain and kidney respectively in the Ga-treated group, although in adipose tissue and gastrocnemus muscle the concentrations were similar for both groups. GSH levels were increased by 40, 25 and 36% in liver, brain and kidney respectively, whereas values in heart and muscle were similar. In liver and kidney superoxide dismutase (SOD), GSH peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase and catalase (CAT) activities were increased significantly in Ga-treated rats compared with untreated rats (P<0.05). Moreover, for Ga-treated rats SOD activity was increased by 22% in muscle, while GSH-Px and CAT activities were 1.3- and 1.4-fold higher in heart compared with untreated rats. Administration of Ga to rats with diabetes leads to lower glycaemia and plasma lipids. Moreover, this plant exerts a beneficial action against tissue lipid peroxidation by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activities.